


Online Registration is open!

Participants with and without contributions are welcome. We kindly ask all symposium participants to fill in the registration form.

Please register HERE.

Payment of the registration fee is not included in the registration form. Details about the payment of the registration fees can be found below.

Abstract submission


Each participant can submit one abstract. Please prepare your abstract according to the guidelines in the TEMPLATE.

To submit your abstract, please fill in the Abstract Submission form HERE.

Speakers at this symposium are by invitation only, however, others who are not invited speakers are most welcome to attend. Symposium lectures will take 30 min (25 min + 5 min discussions).

Students are invited to present their work in a special Student Session. They will participate with short presentations (3-5 min), followed by a joint discussion. Due to time limitation, the supervisors are asked to nominate a maximum of 2 students per research group. For more details about student nomination, please contact Dr. Melita Tramšek at the following e-mail address: Deadline for student nomination is June 7, 2024.

Payment of Registration Fees


The price of a regular registration fee is €200, while the price for students is €150. The registration fee includes conference materials, coffee breaks, lunches, and social activities: Welcome Reception evening, Symposium Dinner, and guided Tour of Ljubljana. See Venue for more information.

The conference fee can be paid via bank transfer only. Please direct the transfer to:

Account holder: Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Account number: 01100-6030344242
Bank name: Bank of Slovenia
Bank address: Slovenska cesta 35, 1505 Ljubljana, Slovenia
IBAN: SI56011006030344242
S.W.I.F.T. code: BSLJSI2X
Reference for payment: FF2024, [attendee name], [attendee family name]

If you need a formal invoice for the conference fee, please let us know.